Seminars 2025
These seminars are open to qualified craniosacral therapists as part of continuing professional development. Seminars are taught in English with translation into the local language.

7-9 February
Da-Sein Institut, Switzerland
14-16 March
Circle Cranio, Exeter UK
Dancing with Potency
Our therapy is a pas de deux between the vivifying force which we call the Potency of the Breath of Life and our wise, seeing, feeling, thinking hands.
It is said than anatomy is the language of the body. And it is true that a good knowledge of anatomy enhances craniosacral practice. But it’s the Potency of the Breath of life that vivifies and animates the body. This seminar is about the language of Potency. Learning to understand its direct actions and expressions and becoming fluent in conversation with the Potency itself, not the tissues and fluids that make up our anatomy. We will learn to use touch to augment and catalyse the healing capacity of the Potency and deeply rely on it to guide our session work. We will dive deeper into the essence Biodynamic practice.
Topics to be covered:
The four functions of Potency – organisational, adaptive, protective and healing.
Life is motion - the Potency as an animating force in the tide, the fluid within the fluid.
The organizational function of Potency - the quantum midline and the bioelectric ordering field, known as the original matrix.
The automatic shifting of potency as it adapts to the conditional forces of experience and meets the contingencies of daily life.
Resilience – the adaptive function of Potency in action.
31 March - 1 April
Da-Sein Institut, Switzerland
Hands on Trauma
‘Trauma is a highly activated incomplete biological response to threat, frozen in time. Trauma is physiological.’ Peter Levine
In this seminar we will learn to address maladaptive states, both hyper and hypo arousal, by directly engaging the nervous system. In clinical practice, working with autonomic plexuses and ganglia, the brainstem and limbic structures can go a long way towards restoring normal autonomic function and regulation of key body systems. This in turn reduces anxiety, panic attacks, vigilance, labile emotions and aggressive behaviour as well as dissociation and fragmentation. The ability to work directly with disordered neurophysiology, gives us a clinical edge in the treatment of trauma.
‘Trauma is treated in the body, not the mind.’ Peter Levine

10 - 11 April
Wrocław, Poland
The Voice and the Hyoid
In this seminar we will explore the larynx and vocal cords – the mechanism and psychology of voice production. Can we speak up for ourselves, be heard? Are we silenced by fear or emboldened by rage? And the role of the hyoid.
Formed from two pharyngeal folds in embryo, the hyoid bone is the anchor of tongue. It is a central anatomical component of the throat, a solid strut in its tensegrity structure and the root of many muscles. In practice we often feel that the head is cut off from the rest of the body, representing a loss of connection between our instinctual gut brain and our rational head brain and between our ability to act and to feel. Intimate work with the hyoid is vital for resolving throat inertia to help ‘reconnect the head to the body’.
12 - 13 April
Wrocław, Poland
Touch is the primary tool of craniosacral therapists. Dr Sutherland, the originator of cranial osteopathy, frequently talked about ‘wise, seeing, feeling, thinking fingers’ and was convinced that ‘finger-seeing is the only possibility for reading diagnostic messages from the body’.
This workshop is inspired by the many and varied questions of students, graduates and long-standing cranial practitioners regarding what it is that they are feeling in treatment session. Also by the common statement “I don’t know what happened during that session but the patient’s symptoms disappeared”.
We will explore relational touch, diagnostic touch and therapeutic touch.

17 - 18 May
Da-Sein Institut, Switzerland
Focusing for Cranial Practitioners
What is focusing?
Focusing is a body-oriented process of self-awareness. It is based in an ability that most of us have, or can develop - that of listening to what our subtle inner feelings are telling us.
In this workshop we will learn or deepen into the Focusing form and apply it in session work. There are three main ways in which Focusing can enrich our biodymanic treatment modality: self care, enhancing clients' body awareness and co-regulation.​
10 - 12 October
Weg Der Mitte, Berlin
Hands on Trauma
‘Trauma is a highly activated incomplete biological response to threat, frozen in time. Trauma is physiological.’ Peter Levine
In this seminar we will learn to address maladaptive states, both hyper and hypo arousal, by directly engaging the nervous system. In clinical practice, working with autonomic plexuses and ganglia, the brainstem and limbic structures can go a long way towards restoring normal autonomic function and regulation of key body systems. This in turn reduces anxiety, panic attacks, vigilance, labile emotions and aggressive behaviour as well as dissociation and fragmentation. The ability to work directly with disordered neurophysiology, gives us a clinical edge in the treatment of trauma.
‘Trauma is treated in the body, not the mind.’ Peter Levine

31 October - 1 November, Part 1
Da-Sein Institut, Switzerland
Visceral Dynamics
Primordial body, primordial brain
The internal organs located in the anterior body cavity have a particular way of being and functioning with primary respiration. Governed by the much more ancient enteric and autonomic nervous systems they are somehow more primitive, more animal than any other part of the body. They go hand in hand with our emotional intelligence rather than our rational faculty.
With the prevalence of digestive disorders, heart disease and reproductive issues, a deep, practical understanding of the viscera within the craniosacral context will elevate your professional practice.
Visceral Dynamics has not been offered by the Insitut for several years. This two-part seminar marks the return of the team who have taught this subject for decades – Katherine Ukleja and Susanne Cappis. Between us we have a lot of clinical expertise in this field. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to study with two elders of the cranial field.
17 - 18 November
Circle Cranio, Exeter UK
Touch is the primary tool of craniosacral therapists. Dr Sutherland, the originator of cranial osteopathy, frequently talked about ‘wise, seeing, feeling, thinking fingers’ and was convinced that ‘finger-seeing is the only possibility for reading diagnostic messages from the body’.
This workshop is inspired by the many and varied questions of students, graduates and long-standing cranial practitioners regarding what it is that they are feeling in treatment session. Also by the common statement “I don’t know what happened during that session but the patient’s symptoms disappeared”.
We will explore relational touch, diagnostic touch and therapeutic touch.